Ethel’s Lament

Ethel: Once again:
I am stranded here and miss another trip.
Curse my fate!
I am ready but I’m stuck aboard this ship.
Now they’re gone!
Off to board the Swiss and soon they’ll start their fires.
They’re so damn’d bright,
They light the night,
Mocking my desires.

I’m ignored --
Not invited to the slaughter nor the fun.
And I know
It’s because I am a daughter not a son.
Damn papa!
Can’t he see that I’m as good as any one.
His disdain chills
My many skills
With epée, foil, or gun.

Should I go --
Find another ship and lead a pirate’s life?
Like these girls:
Wearing trousers and a moustache and a knife.
Should I leave,
Leave this all behind to cause my father strife?
Like Juliet,
Without regret,
Ne’er to be a wife!
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